Johnson Nature Center Preservation and Expansion Project 2023

The property located at 3115 Franklin Road is the last remaining undeveloped parcel contiguous to the Nature Center. We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to save this land for conservation and recreation in perpetuity.

This parcel is adjacent to the existing Nature Center, on the northwest end of the property, and is one of the last opportunities to preserve undeveloped land. With 3.76 acres and 150’ of riparian stream frontage along the Rouge River Tributary, the addition would enable trail expansion, provide water access for k-12 water quality studies, and protect the aesthetic values of the Center (in case the land was sold to a private developer). Most importantly, protecting the Rouge Watershed from further development is critical in this important headwaters of the Rouge River.

The Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund (MNRTF) projects provide funding for natural resource protection and outdoor recreation. We have applied to receive a grant to help us fund the acquisition of this parcel, which will help support up to 75% the cost of the property, along with a matching funds requirement.

Based on the current list price of the land, the Friends of the Johnson Nature Center is seeking to raise $300,000 in matching funds to be eligible for the grant.

This acquisition would increase the preserved land by almost 10% if the project were approved. Johnson Nature Center is one of the few properties in Bloomfield Township and the City of Bloomfield Hills publicly available for casual outdoor experiences. Without an organized Parks department, the community relies on this Bloomfield Hills Schools preserve for leisure, health, and wellness. Further, by protecting this parcel preserves critical riparian access. 

If you are interested in joining us in preserving this green space for many generations to come, please get in touch with Director Alan Jaros at 248-341-6480 or at