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Whimsical Woodlands: An Earth Day Festival

Visit us to delight in a hike along a fairy-gnome house trail at Johnson Nature Center!

April 21 at 10 am - 4 pm

Suggested donation of $5 per person at the entry

Enjoy a magical day with unique vendors, food truck, face painting, canoeing and other family-friendly activities.

Enter the world of fairies and gnomes!

Follow the whimsical woodland path sprinkled with fairy houses and gnome homes for a magical experience through a fantasy world set in the nature center.

The Whimsical Woodland Festival is a celebration of the Earth and a fundraiser to support our community educational programs, with our current effort focusing on creating an updated outdoor classroom. Volunteers create fairy or gnome homes, establishing a whimsical neighborhood of small structures built out of natural materials from the environment. Engulf yourself in the beauty of nature within a fantasy world!

Visit our enchanting Whimsical Woodlands event page for additional details. We're seeking volunteers for the event and artisans skilled in constructing fairy houses and gnome homes!

The Whimsical Woodlands’ Festival Program Guide will be coming soon!

April 19

You, Me, and the Trees

April 26

You, Me, and the Trees